From Darkness to Embracing the Light
A Spritual Guide for Reclaiming Your Life After Soul-Crushing Relationships

About the Book

From Darkness to Embracing the Light recounts the author’s spiritual journey out of harmful relationships with narcissists and other disordered people and provides hope for survivors. The characteristics of these personality disorders are explained. In addition, twenty-five spiritual healing practices are presented as well as the author’s own experience using the practices and the Twelve Powers of Unity. The book is an honest look at the difficulties of pathological love and the need to embrace spiritual solutions in order to journey out of trauma to reclaiming one’s self.

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About Mariel Gordon

Mariel has an extensive professional background as well as three degrees in sociology and writing. She is on a spiritual journey and is writing about healing from trauma and abuse. In her latest book, she cites more than 30 techniques for healing and for clearing negative energy and the life lessons she has learned along the way. She enjoys travel, water sports, poetry, dancing, and folk music when she is not writing.


“This book is filled with gems of wisdom and insight.”
“A groundbreaking book dealing with painful, toxic relationships.”
“An intense and honest look at the impossibility of pathological love.”
“This book can help change your life for the better.”